Faux Pas? by Philip Gooden |
I've been enjoying "Faux Pas?" lately and it succeeded to inspire me a lot. I feel like a very beginner in English as I only know one or two exact meanings of words I easily see. It's so amazing to know that many people (including myself) mistakenly using words through the wrong and sometimes silly ways. This book is written by Philip Gooden and you could see the cover on the left.
So, when I was traveling around a brand-new world of new vocabularies, I found a good question for you. Which one would you pick as a correct word, paparazzo or paparazzi?
Honestly said, I even have never found the word paparazzo before. Just before I read this book and it broadened my mind! I thought that paparazzo might be the original word that made the term paparazzi because I never read that word anywhere. It might be because I don't like celebs gossips so much. But also might be because medias around me don't even know about paparazzo. Lots of possibilities, but now with the help of this book, I could use the correct term whenever I need to.